


Do you think you’re missing out by not knowing the answer to ‘what is content marketing writing?’ This article will give you helpful insight into this form of writing so you don’t have to smile and silently nod. Sometimes people use freelance content marketing writing and journalism writing interchangeably. This can be misleading. 

Each discipline requires a specific skill set. Yet, each field brings a different flair for writing to specific audiences—and both might require interview and researching skills—but content marketing writing is about creating awareness for a product or brand.

It’s biased, even if a brand or product isn’t mentioned in the article. Journalism involves unbiased reporting and research, any conflicts-of-interest should be eliminated or at the very least, disclosed. Sometimes journalism is referred to as content writing but what makes it journalism is the reporting aspect.

You might be wondering if you’ve ever read a content marketing writing example before but you probably have—it’s everywhere. I’ll give you an example. 

Have you ever typed in a search into Google, then clicked on an article and read an informative article and been surprised to look up and realize it was under a product’s website? That’s an example of content marketing writing. It may have mentioned the product or service or it may not have. It likely included some kind of “call to action” (CTA) to do something, like sign up for a newsletter, join a mailing list, or learn more about the brand. 

Your work as a freelance content marketing writer can greatly impact brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. It makes a rewarding and irresistible profession. 

What is Content Marketing Writing to a Freelancer?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It involves compelling, purpose-built content that engages the target audience and ultimately leads to a sale. This type of writing relies on information that provides captivating storytelling that draws in readers and turns them into brand loyalists.

Freelance content marketing writers in this field can reach out to marketing managers, VP of marketing, and content managers to share their backgrounds and expertise to let them know why they’d be an asset to the brand. There’s plenty of work to be found in small businesses, large brands, and large associations.

(Read samples of introductory emails to send to content marketing managers.)

Could the answer to “what is content marketing writing” be that it’s your next freelance writing skill to add to your LinkedIn profile? Freelance content marketing writing is a satisfying and lucrative freelance skill to have. You’ll drive customer satisfaction and conversion rates through the following types of content marketing writing:

  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • White papers
  • eBooks/Digital downloads

A content marketing writer aims to capture the brand’s audience, resulting in a trusted customer. 

Freelance content marketing writers use their exceptional writing skills, marketing knowledge, and add data and research findings to create content that gets ranked well on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and turns audiences into repeat visitors.

Content marketing writing also helps build brand awareness. This tactic generates organic leads and happy clients, making this one of the highest-paid freelance writing skills. Freelance content writers can work with several clients in different niches, like health, beauty, Software as a Service (SaaS), pets, healthcare, and personal finance.

You might even hear of this type of content as B2B or B2C writing. B2B is business to business (think of a software company selling their product to Microsoft). B2C is business to consumer. This could be a blog on a beauty brand, a pet product, or a service provider’s page.

It’s about being a well-versed professional. You must understand the customer’s pain points and search engine optimization, known as SEO. SEO involves addressing relevant topics that others have looked up on the internet. 

For example, when searching “ how to become a freelance marketing writer” or “how to get started as a marketing freelancer?” These related searches in your content can be great for keywords or headlines. Why? It’s because you are answering questions people want answers to. Content marketing writers are critical. They provide key information while being relatable and business-oriented. Knowing how to write good articles as a freelancer with primary keywords and secondary keywords is essential for success in search engine rankings and from your client’s standpoint. 

Content Marketing Writing vs Magazine Writing

Content marketing writing has a different voice, framework, and audience. It is not like magazine writing. Magazine writing tends to be shorter than content marketing writing, this could also depend on the publication. 

The goal of magazine writing or editorial writing for magazines is to inform and entertain magazine subscribers of digital audiences on various topics related to the magazine. This type of writing isn’t trying to sell anything–other than maybe an editorial magazine subscription. Magazine writing is more likely to focus on a publication’s audiences (although there’s a lot of affiliate marketing and sponsored content on and in magazines these days). Magazine-style writing often includes feature stories, reported articles, interviews, or personal essays. 

Content marketing aims to engage and convert target audiences for brand awareness. Content marketing writing concentrates on customer action, generating leads, or boosting sales. An example is “7 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Vegan Lip Products,” and you’ll find this blog on a vegan beauty company’s website, possibly with a link to sign up for a newsletter and get a promo code. Magazine writing would likely include a non-biased roundup of the “7 Best Vegan Lip Products.” 

How Much Does Freelance Content Marketing Writing Pay?

Be honest. When you explored, “what is content marketing writing,” you certainly wanted to know if being a freelance content marketing writer pays well.

When you’re a freelance content marketing writer, pay is commonly per project or per article. If you and the client come up with an agreement about a specific number of pieces (articles) you’ll produce per month as an ongoing relationship, it’s known as a retainer agreement. 

As of 2024, many content marketing writing assignments tend to pay better than online magazine assignments of the same word count. That might be because brands have more money and stand to potentially earn more with each piece of content. 

In general, content marketing writing likely pays at least $0.50/word and up, often closer to $1/word/

Freelance content writers can charge based on the complexity of the scope of the project. Magazine writing can also receive payment for the number of words, interviews, research involved in the piece, and per project. The magazine determines writers’ rates based on the magazine’s budget and the writer’s level of experience.

How Do Editorial Writing and Freelance Content Marketing Writing Differ?

Editorial writing is also known as opinion writing. The author expresses their opinion or viewpoint on a particular topic. This type of writing is generally published in newspapers or magazines. Freelance content marketing writing builds readership for a brand and drives traffic. 

Editorial writing emphasizes the editorial board or author topics the team represents. You can find the editorial team on the publication’s website. They’re a group of professionals with diverse skills in fact-checking, writing, and editing. The team ensures that the information presented is accurate, engaging, and error-free. That being said, a brand’s CEO can write an op-ed and submit it for possible publication. It will likely be skewed to support their brand’s initiatives but it should also be well-reported.

Editorial writing style is more persuasive. It focuses on using logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience and with a call to action (CTA). This will encourage the reader to take part in their offer. An example of a call to action is “I want this”, or “Download here” or “Learn more.” 

Writers sprinkle these phrases throughout their content marketing blogs to entice the reader to view what they’re selling. Editorial writing may not include a call to action. Yet, it provides a format centered on current events, cultural trends, or social issues.

Content marketing writing often focuses on brand stories and case studies.

Which Style of Writing Suits You: Content Marketing, Magazine Journalism, or Editorial Writing?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It is also a high-paying freelance niche and allows growth and opportunity. Content marketing writing builds trust and authority. It uses well-crafted words to inspire the audience. If you enjoy writing blogs to drive organic traffic, freelance content marketing writing is for you. But let’s recap on the difference between magazine journalism writing and editorial writing. 

Magazine journalism writing tends to be longer than content marketing writing and its goal is to inform and entertain audiences online and print to encourage repeat visits. 

Typically, magazine writers earn payment based on the number of words, while freelance content marketing writers earn payment based on the project. Editorial writing is persuasive and it uses logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience. 

Now that we’ve satisfied your top questions on “what is content marketing writing?” sign up for a newsletter to get more freelance skills in your inbox.

You’re thinking about starting a freelance career or, you’ve already kick-started one and wondered if it’s truly possible to earn a living freelancing and earn a living freelance writing. Some days freelancers can feel like they’re rolling in the money and need to turn down freelance assignments. Other days, you keep refreshing your inbox to see if clients need your freelance talents and stress about your bank account statements.

When I was in high school, I dreamed of becoming a freelance writer who worked from home and was able to support a family. My first byline was in 1978, and it wasn’t until 1996 that I made the leap from “full-time employee” to “full-time freelance writer.”  The journey has been an exciting one, and the Internet has made the process a lot easier.

Until the past two decades, freelance writers had to submit everything via snail mail. Can you imagine writing a query letter (magazine pitch), and making sure you included a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) if you wanted a reply? Then it would take several months before you would hear back from an editor.

These days, you can get rejected within a few hours thanks to the invention of email. But, you can also get an assignment within a few hours, too.  You can earn as much money as you want as a freelancer. Marketing is the key component.

That’s why it’s still possible to earn a living freelance writing.

4 Ways You Can Earn a Living Freelance Writing

Making a living as a freelancer is possible when you follow these steps.

1.  Write articles for publications and websites

One of the reasons you’re thinking about earning a living as a freelance writer is because you’re interested in writing for magazines, editorial websites, or brands.

Some places will pay “per word,” while others will pay “per project.” 

Many magazines and websites hire freelance writers to help with content. 

(Hint: look for publications and websites that are a good fit for your interests and skill set.)

2.  Write greeting cards. 

Yes, people are still buying them and this industry needs your writing talents.

Most card companies accept submissions from freelance writers. Visit their website and look for the submission guidelines. In the past, I have sold greeting cards for rates ranging from $75 to $150. Blue Mountain Arts pays $300. Research card companies online at the Greeting Card Association.

(Hint: look for greeting card companies that are not in the association…they won’t be getting as many submissions from freelance writers.)

This is just one of many fun answers to the question, “Can you earn a living freelancing?”

3.  Write for specialty newsletters. 

I got one of my first freelance newsletter writing assignments after answering an ad on a job board. article was only 250 words, and it paid $100. Find lots of newsletters at the Directory of Associations and Industry Newsletters. You could also offer freelance writing services to clients as a writer for their e-newsletters.

4.  Write books. It’s a great way to earn a living freelancing.

Sure, that’s way easier said than done, John!

Here’s how to earn a living freelancer with book writing projects.

·         The “traditional way” is when you create a book proposal and either submit it directly to a publisher, or through a literary agent (there are still plenty of mainstream publishers that accept submissions directly from authors).

·         You can also “self-publish,” either on Amazon or with a “print on demand” (POD) company. When you self-publish on Amazon, for example, they handle all the printing and shipping, etc., and you receive a monthly royalty payment.

·         You can also find “work-for-hire” book project opportunities. Many publishers have ideas for books and need authors to create them. I have worked on these types of projects for rates ranging from $800 (for a children’s book for a school library publisher) to $15,000 (for a business book for a mainstream publisher).

·         Write chapters for publishers. Many publishers are looking for “experts” in different fields to write just one or two chapters for a book. (I wrote a few chapters in “Family Health for Dummies” and “Men’s Health for Dummies.”)

FAQs: Can You Earn a Living Freelancing?

How much do freelancers earn freelancing for a living?

Good question, and the answers are all over the place. For example, there are several surveys online that indicate the average hourly rate for a freelance writer is about $29. Other surveys have the figure higher, and few even have it much lower.

I have never been a fan of an hourly wage for a freelance assignment. Most of the freelance assignments I get these days pay on a per project or per word basis. Much better, in my opinion. (That being said, freelance rates are how they charge are up to each freelancer.)

In the past, I have written articles for rates ranging from 50 cents to $2.00 per word.  These days most of my article assignments pay between $350 and $750, depending upon a variety of factors (timeline, amount of research that is required, and if outside sources are needed as quotes).

Consider these stats from

·         50% (or more) of freelance writers earn less than $30k per year.

·         18% of freelance writers reported income levels of $31k – $50k 

·         5% reported making between $100k – $125,000

·         4% earned over $125,000

Can I make a career out of freelancing?

Is it possible to seriously earn a living freelancing?

Most freelance writers are happy with getting assignments as a side gig and starting a freelance side hustle.

Depending on your schedule, you may only have time to squeeze in one article per week. Or, as a reminder, we all get the same 24 hours a day, seven. days a week. Learning how to manage your time wisely…and financially…should be a key factor in deciding if you want to make a career out of freelance writing.

Can freelancers make good money?

Freelancers can absolutely make good money doing this! I know hundreds of freelance writers who are making darn good money. In fact, most of them are making great money—over six figure freelancer salaries.

Brainstorm some ways to find those higher-paying projects. Present yourself as a professional and convince the editor that YOU are the right freelance writer for the next assignment.

Is freelancing still profitable?

Freelancing is still profitable for freelancers if you’re willing to embrace marketing, marketing, and marketing. (Did we get the point across?) A freelance marketing plan is the key to a successful…and profitable…freelance journey. The more you market yourself, the more bylines and checks will come your way.

Don’t be afraid to try something new and get outside your comfort zone when it comes to being able to earn a living freelancing. I never thought I would be writing greeting cards and school library books, but I am glad that I tried it.

How to Make a Living as a Freelance Writer

While the freelance landscape has shifted dramatically over the past few decades, one thing remains constant: the importance of marketing oneself effectively. Whether you’re earning a living freelancing by writing articles, crafting greeting cards, creating newsletters, penning books, or promoting yourself and your freelance business on social media, marketing is the key to attracting high-paying clients and catapulting your earning potential.

In order to stay relevant and successful for decades to come, be resilient, embrace new opportunities, and continuously refine your marketing skills. You can indeed earn a living freelancing and thrive in the roller coaster ride that is the freelance industry. So, don’t hesitate to explore new avenues, seize opportunities, and make your freelance dreams a reality.

If you’re here, you’ve probably heard the term “freelance,” thought about “what is freelance” and maybe you’re aware of the highs and lows of the freelance work world. 

However, you may not know all the different terms organizations use to refer to freelance jobs. 

First things first. What is a freelance job?

Freelance jobs are normally short-term projects companies need to accomplish, or a position a company wants to fill but does not want to hire a permanent, full-time employee to do the job. Instead, a company hires a freelancer with the right skills and talents to complete the project or fill the position. 

The company gets what they need without a long-term commitment, and the freelancer has more flexibility with hours, and the ability to work with more than one company. Here are important things you need to know about the various types of freelance jobs available, how they are classified with the U.S. government, and what it means to work one of these.

Types of freelance jobs, explained

When making the leap into freelance work, it’s important to know the terms various businesses and freelance hiring managers may use when referring to freelance workers. Most of the terms are interchangeable, but some have distinct differences that it’s important to understand before taking freelance jobs. Here are some common freelance jobs terms you might come across in the U.S.:

Contract work or contract job

Contract work or a contract job is usually when a temp agency places a worker at a company for short periods of time. The time commitment for a specific position can often be for just one day, or it can extend to much longer periods of time.

Normally, you’ll be paid by the temp agency, and must report your worked hours to the temp agency in order to receive a “paycheck”.

Independent contractor/ 1099 worker

Independent contractors, or ICs, are also referred to as a 1099 worker. ICs are a type of freelance jobs where you sign a contract directly with a company, which then pays the IC directly instead of a third-party agency. It’s also called a 1099 worker because you’ll receive a 1099 form at the beginning of the following year around tax time to submit when you complete your taxes.

Contract consultant

When a company struggles with a specific problem, they often seek out help from a consultant in a contract role. Once the issue is handled, and the company can move forward with their in-house team, the contract consultant can move to their next contract with a new company.


Many freelance and independent contractor positions start out on a contract basis when they secure a type of freelance job, but have an option for it to turn into a regular employee position if both parties find the relationship beneficial. These positions are not a guarantee for a full-time direct hire, but many people hoping to secure a full-time position often look for contract-to-hire freelance jobs to get a foot in the door at a company they wish to join as a permanent employee.

What fields are hiring freelancers?

Now that we’re familiar with the terms businesses use for the freelance jobs available to workers, let’s see what types of freelance jobs are offered in various fields.

The truth is, that there are freelance jobs in almost every field of work in existence. Some industries hire freelance workers for in-person positions, and others prefer to hire freelance workers for remote positions.  

Fields known for hiring freelance contract workers in types of freelance jobs instead of direct hires are:

  • Administrative
  • Customer Service
  • Recruiting
  • Computers/IT
  • Writing & Editing
  • Medical & Health
  • Marketing

Which types of freelance jobs are available for freelancers?

Now that you have a better understanding of the terms a freelance job hiring manager or magazine editor might use when searching for freelance help, discover the plethora of freelance jobs to choose from. Whether you want to work in an office, or you wish to work from home, there’s a variety of options for contract work.

  • Virtual assistants: These types of freelance jobs often involve scheduling appointments, making phone calls, arranging travel, managing email accounts, and providing other support to a CEO, or entrepreneur. It could involve freelance writing, social media creation, graphic design support or, creating business presentations. 
  • Customer service representatives: These freelancers may handle customer calls, emails, live chat in real time for one, or more, businesses.
  • Content writers: This is one of the most common types of freelance jobs you’ll see advertised online. A freelance content writer can earn money per article, assignment, per word, or hourly by writing content for blogs, websites, social media platforms, eBooks, etc. They may or may not have SEO writing skills as well.
  • Social media managers: These freelancers can create social media campaigns and strategies, write, and post content on social media platforms. They might help with social media graphics and assist with content calendars for social media.
  • Medical coders: If you’re certified to do the work, there are plenty of medical coding and billing positions you can do from home as a lucrative type of freelance job.
  • Graphic artist/designer:  Known for your creative side? Offer your design skills as a freelance graphic artist or graphic designer creating logos, website graphics, blog images, social media designs, as well as printable marketing materials like sales flyers, pamphlets, and business cards. There’s a lot of
  • Transcriptionist: If you have a great ear and consider yourself a fast and accurate typist, you can transcribe for law offices, medical offices, and various other industries. While there are a lot of AI transcription software services out there, plenty of industries don’t trust them or won’t use them due to privacy concerns.
  • Data entry: What is a freelance job you could do if you love to type? There are a variety of data entry options if you are quick and accurate
    • Data processor
    • Order entry specialist
    • Sales order processor
  • Bookkeeping: If you’re an accountant or numbers guru by day, you could be a bookkeeping freelancer by night. Many smaller companies prefer hiring freelancers to handle their accounts payable, accounts receivable, and full-charge bookkeeping needs, as it is less costly to hire a freelance bookkeeper than a permanent employee.
  • Website developer: Plenty of small businesses hire an independent contractor to handle website development who can work with the in-house marketing team, and the in-house IT team. This can be one of the best high-paying types of freelance jobs to do if you have fantastic skills in this department.
  • Therapist: A freelance therapist often finds work with online therapy apps like BetterHelp, allowing therapists to help a wide range of people without having to start their own practice. It could be a great freelance job for a mental health expert who is looking to gain more experience, freelance clients, or have flexible hours.

Is freelance work for you?

Working various types of freelance jobs can provide a great amount of time freedom and allow you to be your own boss. You can control your workload, earn as much or as little as you want, and work for multiple companies garnering multiple streams of income. 

However, there are also things you must do for yourself, like making sure you pay the right amount of income taxes along with paying for your own medical insurance. It’s also important to note if you aren’t using a “placement” service, an you aren’t good at networking, or marketing yourself, it can be difficult finding work opportunities on your own. 

What it all boils down to is that only you know if working a freelance job is right for you.

Plenty of types of freelance jobs are available

With so many different industries that have not only physical locations but also an online presence, it’s one of the best times to work a freelance job! Depending on where you are in life, a freelance job can provide so many different benefits that fit into your lifestyle and career goals.