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freelance skills


We all want to know what successful freelance writers do that keeps them in the game for the long haul. If you’ve ever wondered what the characteristics of successful freelance writers and successful freelancers were, check out some of the traits in this lift.

You might have some of these freelance money mindsets, possess most of these traits, or none of these characteristics.

That’s okay. The most important thing to do is take inventory of where you’re starting, where you want to be, and make small strides to get there every day.

The 13 Traits Succesful Freelance Writers Always Have

Work on these professional freelance skills, personal skills, and implement systems to help you achieve your goal.

  1. They’re skilled communicators: Beyond merely stringing words together, successful freelance writers master the art of communication. They can distill complex ideas into digestible content, captivating readers with their clarity and eloquence.
  2. They’re resilient: The path to freelance success is fraught with challenges, but resilient writers persevere in the face of adversity. They view setbacks as opportunities for growth, bouncing back stronger and more determined than ever before.
  3. They’re collaborative: While freelancing may seem like a solitary pursuit, successful writers understand the power of collaboration. They foster strong relationships with clients, editors, and fellow freelancers, recognizing that collaboration fuels creativity and innovation.
  4. They’re self-disciplined: With freedom comes responsibility, and successful freelance writers excel in managing their time and workload. They set boundaries, establish routines, and prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring maximum productivity and efficiency.
  5. They’re lifelong learners: Successful freelance writers are perpetual students of their craft. They eagerly seek out opportunities for growth and development, whether it’s through online courses, workshops, or simply devouring books and articles on writing.
  6. They’re innovative: In a crowded marketplace, innovation is key to standing out from the crowd. Successful writers embrace innovation, constantly seeking out fresh ideas and creative approaches to their work.
  7. They’re resourceful: When faced with the biggest freelance challenges, successful freelance writers don’t throw in the towel—they get resourceful. Whether it’s overcoming writer’s block or navigating a tricky client situation, resourceful writers find inventive solutions to every problem.
  8. They’re strategic: Behind every successful freelance writer lies a well-thought-out strategy. Whether it’s setting SMART (Specific. Measurable. Achieveable. Relevant. Time-bound) goals or devising a comprehensive freelance marketing plan, strategic thinkers approach their freelance career with purpose and intention. Learn how to become a freelance medical writer.
  9. They’re adaptable: In the ever-evolving landscape of freelance writing, adaptability reigns supreme. Successful writers embrace change, eagerly exploring new niches and adapting their skills to meet the demands of diverse clients and industries. The Best High-Paying Freelance Writing Niches of 2024.
  10. They’re proactive: Rather than waiting for opportunities to come knocking, successful freelance writers seize the initiative, actively seeking out new clients and projects. Their proactive approach sets them apart, propelling them towards greater professional success.
  11. They’re empathetic: Empathy lies at the heart of impactful writing, allowing writers to connect deeply with their audience. Successful freelancers possess a keen understanding of human emotions and experiences, infusing their work with empathy and authenticity.
  12. They’re confident: There will be days in every freelancer’s career where they doubt their freelance writing skills, their worth, and wonder if this industry is “worth it.” Successful freelance writers persevere through those days and remember that they have skills and gifts to offer the world. They’re confident in their abilities to get an assignment done and do it well, even when feelings of impostor syndrome creep in.
  13. They know their weaknesses: Long-lasting, lifelong freelancers who’ve made this their career know what their weaknesses are and how to work around them. Do they struggle with not being a faster writer? Procrastinating on assignments? Marketing themselves? 50 Affirmations for Writers. They work on the areas of their lives, personalities, and skills that could use some TLC and find ways to improve. That might be through therapy, meditation, reading books, taking freelance online courses, and taking an interest in self-development.

Do you have some of the traits of successful freelance writers?

It isn’t possible to adopt all of these success characteristics at once. But, if you try to incorporate them into your freelance business as building blocks, you’ll start building up these characteristics of freelance success and be on your way toward creating a thriving freelance career.

Ready to learn if you can earn $1,000 a month freelance writing? It can be done.

Imposter syndrome can feel like you’re the only one going through it but it’s a relatively common freelance challenge. Experiencing feelings of freelance imposter syndrome can occur in freelancers who often work in isolation and face constant uncertainties. (So, basically all of us.) Addressing this issue is crucial for freelancers to thrive and grow in their careers. Let me share a personal story to illustrate how real and impactful imposter syndrome can be.

The first time I experienced imposter syndrome was when I walked into my new office in Manhattan in 2010 as a senior magazine editor. The office was big, bright, beautiful, and had a view of the Chrysler Building. (My favorite building in the city.) Did I mention I had my own office?!

Immediately, my internal voice told me, “Oh, they think you’re more important than you are.” Or, “Wow, they think you’re a bigger deal editor than you are. They’re going to be disappointed.” And even, “Gulp. What did I sign on to do here?”

What the heck? Why can one office in a building make me feel that way? It was the first vivid memory I had of experiencing “imposter syndrome.”

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud. According to the American Psychological Association and research, it’s when someone struggles with feelings that they’re a fraud and haven’t earned what they achieved. (And you feel like someone is going to find out that you’ve been “posing” in this role for too long.)

Studies show that over 80 percent of the population has experienced it. Whew! But what also sucks about feeling like you’re a fraud (and that you’re gonna get caught in this lie) is that you feel alone. You think you’re the only imposter in your office, in your friend group, in that class at the gym, and among parents in your kids’ friend groups. (So, I’m not the only one who feels bad when some other kid’s parent sends home a massive goodie bag at a holiday and I didn’t?)

When someone has freelance imposter syndrome feelings—or experiences this in any professional setting—they think they haven’t earned what they achieved.

This syndrome can affect performance, confidence, and mental health, causing anxiety, fear of failure, overworking, and freelance burnout. Imposter syndrome also tends to be more prominent in people with underrepresented identities.

Why Freelance Imposter Syndrome is So Common

Freelancers frequently face rejection and uncertainty. Putting yourself out there can feel intimidating, especially when pitching ideas or cold emailing clients. And then when you realize an editor deleted your pitch or you don’t hear back, it’s going to add to those feelings of being a fraud or a hack who can’t cut it in this industry. Did I mentioned I’m Getting Turned Down for Assignments and I’m Okay with It?

It’s taken me two decades of freelancing to not think “I must suck” and “They don’t like me” when I don’t hear back on pitches and introductory emails.

Recognizing and Naming Thought Distortions

Thought distortions are habitual errors in thinking that negatively impact our ability to succeed. Think of them as the barbed wire fences guarding the doors that would allow the positive thoughts to flow through. Common thought distortions include:

  • Black-and-White Thinking: “I’m too junior, they’ll never hire me.”
  • Fortune-Telling: “That freelance rate I shared is too high. They’d laugh me out of the room.”
  • Mind-Reading: “The client hasn’t responded since I sent the proposal yesterday. They must have hated it.”
  • Should Statements: “I should be working harder.” (Stop ‘should-ing’ all over yourself.)

For example, instead of thinking, “I’m not experienced enough; they’ll never hire me,” reframe it as, “I have a lot of freelance experience. While this exact situation is new to me, that doesn’t mean I can’t do it. I can learn new freelance skills.

Taking Action Despite Fear

One of the best ways to overcome imposter syndrome is to take action. Recently, I had a conversation with a newsletter subscriber about how she could break into a new type of freelancing and she admitted she was feeling “imposter syndrome” even though she knew she had the background, experience, and skills to succeed. I told her that I totally understood where she was coming from but to try to quiet those voices and just “take action.” For her, that meant sending article pitches. Fear of failure can hold all of us back.

Tips for Overcoming Freelance Imposter Syndrome

There are several things you can do to work toward a positive, encouraging mindset.

  1. Share Your Feelings
    • Talk to someone you trust about your feelings of inadequacy. Opening up can help you gain perspective and receive constructive feedback. You’ll also realize you likely aren’t alone in those feelings of freelance imposter syndrome.
  2. Work on Your Skills to Overcome Freelance Imposter Syndrome
  3. Discuss Your Failures
    • Share your failures with others, either privately or publicly. It helps to realize you are not alone and others have faced similar challenges. Post it on social and ask others if they can relate. You’ll probably see a lot of engagement on that share.
  4. Take a Deep Breath and Act

Practicing Confidence Can Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Changing your self-talk can significantly boost your confidence. Here are some ways to practice confidence:

  • Own Your Accomplishments: Write down and verbalize your achievements. I like to keep a client “praise document” I can refer to during rough weeks.
  • List Your Skills and Talents: Acknowledge what you’re good at.
  • Recount Successful Experiences: Remember times when you tried something new and succeeded.
  • Ask What’s the Worst That Could Happen: Realize that failure is not as catastrophic as it seems.

Recognize These Feelings When They Come Up

I’m reminded of the acronym about feelings of “FEAR” (False Evidence Appearing Real). The next time you feel like an imposter or have feelings of inadequacy realize they are rooted in fear. Most likely fear of failing.

Overcoming imposter syndrome is an ongoing process, but taking actionable steps can make a significant difference. Remember that you’re not alone in feeling this way. Every freelancer experiences moments of doubt, but with the right strategies, you can push past those insecurities and thrive in your career.

Inquire about freelance coaching services to learn how to overcome freelance challenges.

I’m still relatively new to freelance copywriting but I have decades of writing experience under my belt and plenty of time studying headlines that inspire consumers to buy a magazine or click on a headline. It can be a lucrative industry which is why I wanted a pro’s take on freelance copywriting for beginners.

Just because you’re a good writer and even a solid content marketing writer or journalist doesn’t mean it’s easy to cross over into freelance copywriting. I went to an experienced freelance copywriter whom I’ve worked with when I was at magazines and asked Linda Melone to share her best tips for those who are thinking about how to get started copywriting for beginners.

Melone is a certified conversion copywriter who specializes in working with B2B clients in the fitness and health fields. (She’s a certified personal trainer as well so she knows what she’s talking about.)

If you’re thinking about getting started copywriting and don’t know where to begin or, perhaps you want to add copywriting skills to your resume so you can get more freelance work, read on to get a pro copywriter’s best tips for beginners and curious freelancers in this interview I did with Melone.

How to Get Started Freelance Copywriting for Beginners

Why is now a good time for freelancers to learn copywriting skills?

LM: It’s a good time because the copywriting world is changing so fast with AI that even experienced copywriters find they need to hone their skills. So getting in on the ground floor requires you to start at a different level right out of the gate. New copywriters need to be able to grasp AI to begin to compete.

How did you get started in copywriting?

LM: I wrote content articles, mainly for magazines and online publications for many years. When the publishing world took a nosedive around circa 2014 or so, I started an online fitness business and wrote all my own marketing material and ads. It required me to learn a new set of skills. I loved the decision-making psychology involved in copywriting and the science behind writing to motivate people to take action. So I took courses and hired several different copywriting coaches over time to get me started. My first clients were people in my immediate social circle. I moved on from there.

How do you suggest most people get started learning copywriting? (any specific courses to take, books, YouTube videos to watch, local college courses?)

LM: I suggest signing up for courses with CopyHackers – they have a lot of free material. And joining a copywriting online group enables you to bounce questions off of other copywriters, which can be super helpful. Find the teachers that resonate with you. The Copywriter Club is another good group, run by Kira Hug and Rob Marsh. They have an active Facebook group as well. 

What is the difference (in your words) between content writing, copywriting, and content marketing writing?

LM: Content is important for SEO (e.g. blogs), and is used to entertain and inform–although there’s some overlap. Copywriting tends to be more goal-oriented. It’s written to motivate people to take some sort of action: sign up, book a call, buy, start a trial, etc. Content marketing uses strategies to establish trust and authority with the audience and involves both copy and content. Examples may be taking podcasts, videos, blog posts and turning them into snippets on various social media platforms. 

What are some of the skills and qualities essential for success in copywriting? 

LM: Some skills overlap from content writing: creativity, writing mastery, research, and interviewing skills. In addition, copywriters and those considering how to get started copywriting for beginners should have an understanding of SEO, storytelling abilities, and analytical skills. The latter is needed to gauge the copy that’s working and not so you can adjust accordingly.

How can beginners with no copywriting experience create samples for a portfolio?

LM: Beginners can rewrite outdated ads or poorly written content to show expertise. Be sure to mention it’s a rewrite in your portfolio as a “before and after”  to avoid confusion.

Another suggestion for beginner copywriters with no experience? You may need to start writing for free at first. For instance, nonprofits and charities would be appreciative of good copy. And start locally. 

How do I pivot from freelance content marketing writing to begin a freelance copywriter?

LM: It is possible. That’s exactly what I did. It’s important to research and study copywriting to understand the difference, first. Study the greats, like David Ogilvy, and dissect their copy to see what makes it so effective.

Network and learn from copywriting communities and webinars and connect with other copywriters. And market yourself on sites like LinkedIn, where potential clients often look for copywriters. 

Why is magazine writing and/or journalism a good (or not good) background for copywriters

LM: I found my interview skills as a magazine writer greatly helped in researching and speaking with my client’s customers. Being able to speak with a diverse audience is an essential part of the background research involved in copywriting. Storytelling and research skills also overlap.

Where should beginner copywriters look for freelance work/jobs?

LM: Getting started as a freelance copywriter with no experience isn’t easy, but it’s no different than starting any new career. UpWork or Fiverr are both highly competitive but can give you a start.

Ask friends and family for referrals and network on LinkedIn. The latter is playing the long game because it’s about establishing yourself as an authority.

Leave insightful comments on LinkedIn posts for people and companies that fit your ideal customer profile. 

Do you have good tips to share around networking and collaborating with copywriters and marketing professionals?

LM. In order for beginner freelance copywriters to build up relationships, they should attend conferences, seminars, and workshops to network with other copywriters and marketers. Become active on LinkedIn and in LinkedIn Groups where people share knowledge.

Some cities have freelance Meetups to connect with other like-minded people. Be sure to always offer value first to build trust. Share information and be authentic. People can tell if you’re only connecting with them so you can pitch them. 

Do certifications matter today? Why/why not?

LM: Yes and no. If a person understands what it takes to earn a certification, then yes. But most clients only want to know if you can make them money.

Learn more about Linda Melone at TheCopyWorx.com.

If you’re here, you’ve probably heard the term “freelance,” thought about “what is freelance” and maybe you’re aware of the highs and lows of the freelance work world. 

However, you may not know all the different terms organizations use to refer to freelance jobs. 

First things first. What is a freelance job?

Freelance jobs are normally short-term projects companies need to accomplish, or a position a company wants to fill but does not want to hire a permanent, full-time employee to do the job. Instead, a company hires a freelancer with the right skills and talents to complete the project or fill the position. 

The company gets what they need without a long-term commitment, and the freelancer has more flexibility with hours, and the ability to work with more than one company. Here are important things you need to know about the various types of freelance jobs available, how they are classified with the U.S. government, and what it means to work one of these.

Types of freelance jobs, explained

When making the leap into freelance work, it’s important to know the terms various businesses and freelance hiring managers may use when referring to freelance workers. Most of the terms are interchangeable, but some have distinct differences that it’s important to understand before taking freelance jobs. Here are some common freelance jobs terms you might come across in the U.S.:

Contract work or contract job

Contract work or a contract job is usually when a temp agency places a worker at a company for short periods of time. The time commitment for a specific position can often be for just one day, or it can extend to much longer periods of time.

Normally, you’ll be paid by the temp agency, and must report your worked hours to the temp agency in order to receive a “paycheck”.

Independent contractor/ 1099 worker

Independent contractors, or ICs, are also referred to as a 1099 worker. ICs are a type of freelance jobs where you sign a contract directly with a company, which then pays the IC directly instead of a third-party agency. It’s also called a 1099 worker because you’ll receive a 1099 form at the beginning of the following year around tax time to submit when you complete your taxes.

Contract consultant

When a company struggles with a specific problem, they often seek out help from a consultant in a contract role. Once the issue is handled, and the company can move forward with their in-house team, the contract consultant can move to their next contract with a new company.


Many freelance and independent contractor positions start out on a contract basis when they secure a type of freelance job, but have an option for it to turn into a regular employee position if both parties find the relationship beneficial. These positions are not a guarantee for a full-time direct hire, but many people hoping to secure a full-time position often look for contract-to-hire freelance jobs to get a foot in the door at a company they wish to join as a permanent employee.

What fields are hiring freelancers?

Now that we’re familiar with the terms businesses use for the freelance jobs available to workers, let’s see what types of freelance jobs are offered in various fields.

The truth is, that there are freelance jobs in almost every field of work in existence. Some industries hire freelance workers for in-person positions, and others prefer to hire freelance workers for remote positions.  

Fields known for hiring freelance contract workers in types of freelance jobs instead of direct hires are:

  • Administrative
  • Customer Service
  • Recruiting
  • Computers/IT
  • Writing & Editing
  • Medical & Health
  • Marketing

Which types of freelance jobs are available for freelancers?

Now that you have a better understanding of the terms a freelance job hiring manager or magazine editor might use when searching for freelance help, discover the plethora of freelance jobs to choose from. Whether you want to work in an office, or you wish to work from home, there’s a variety of options for contract work.

  • Virtual assistants: These types of freelance jobs often involve scheduling appointments, making phone calls, arranging travel, managing email accounts, and providing other support to a CEO, or entrepreneur. It could involve freelance writing, social media creation, graphic design support or, creating business presentations. 
  • Customer service representatives: These freelancers may handle customer calls, emails, live chat in real time for one, or more, businesses.
  • Content writers: This is one of the most common types of freelance jobs you’ll see advertised online. A freelance content writer can earn money per article, assignment, per word, or hourly by writing content for blogs, websites, social media platforms, eBooks, etc. They may or may not have SEO writing skills as well.
  • Social media managers: These freelancers can create social media campaigns and strategies, write, and post content on social media platforms. They might help with social media graphics and assist with content calendars for social media.
  • Medical coders: If you’re certified to do the work, there are plenty of medical coding and billing positions you can do from home as a lucrative type of freelance job.
  • Graphic artist/designer:  Known for your creative side? Offer your design skills as a freelance graphic artist or graphic designer creating logos, website graphics, blog images, social media designs, as well as printable marketing materials like sales flyers, pamphlets, and business cards. There’s a lot of
  • Transcriptionist: If you have a great ear and consider yourself a fast and accurate typist, you can transcribe for law offices, medical offices, and various other industries. While there are a lot of AI transcription software services out there, plenty of industries don’t trust them or won’t use them due to privacy concerns.
  • Data entry: What is a freelance job you could do if you love to type? There are a variety of data entry options if you are quick and accurate
    • Data processor
    • Order entry specialist
    • Sales order processor
  • Bookkeeping: If you’re an accountant or numbers guru by day, you could be a bookkeeping freelancer by night. Many smaller companies prefer hiring freelancers to handle their accounts payable, accounts receivable, and full-charge bookkeeping needs, as it is less costly to hire a freelance bookkeeper than a permanent employee.
  • Website developer: Plenty of small businesses hire an independent contractor to handle website development who can work with the in-house marketing team, and the in-house IT team. This can be one of the best high-paying types of freelance jobs to do if you have fantastic skills in this department.
  • Therapist: A freelance therapist often finds work with online therapy apps like BetterHelp, allowing therapists to help a wide range of people without having to start their own practice. It could be a great freelance job for a mental health expert who is looking to gain more experience, freelance clients, or have flexible hours.

Is freelance work for you?

Working various types of freelance jobs can provide a great amount of time freedom and allow you to be your own boss. You can control your workload, earn as much or as little as you want, and work for multiple companies garnering multiple streams of income. 

However, there are also things you must do for yourself, like making sure you pay the right amount of income taxes along with paying for your own medical insurance. It’s also important to note if you aren’t using a “placement” service, an you aren’t good at networking, or marketing yourself, it can be difficult finding work opportunities on your own. 

What it all boils down to is that only you know if working a freelance job is right for you.

Plenty of types of freelance jobs are available

With so many different industries that have not only physical locations but also an online presence, it’s one of the best times to work a freelance job! Depending on where you are in life, a freelance job can provide so many different benefits that fit into your lifestyle and career goals. 

Your brand is your promise to your potential clients—it tells them what they can expect from you and sets you apart from others. That includes your website, your social media profile photos and the content you share publicly.

You wouldn’t show up to a job interview looking like a slob. Think of it like that when a potential freelance client discovers your freelancer brand.

Here, get the essential steps to crafting a compelling personal brand that resonates with your target audience and attracts more freelance business.

How Do I Get Started Building a Personal Brand As a Freelancer?

Make sure you uncover and develop these freelancer branding elements so clients know what to expect about you and your work when they come across your page(s).

  1. Discover Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).

Your UVP is what makes you stand out from the competition. Take time to reflect on your key strengths and how they solve problems for your clients.

Do you help clients get more done in less time?

Do you pride yourself on working with high-end, sophisticated clients who target a niche clientele?

Are you a freelancer who loves to infuse humor into everything you do and wants to find freelance clients who support and celebrate that?

Clearly defining your UVP not only helps articulate your brand but also attracts the right clients who align with your values and expertise.

2. Keep Consistent Brand Messaging Across All Platforms:

Consistency is key in branding. Your website, social media profiles, and professional portfolios should convey the same message and aesthetic. They can have similar profile photos, fonts, and colors that are part of your freelancer brand. This uniformity builds trust and makes your brand easily recognizable to potential clients.

Established branding helps you become recognizable across different audiences, fostering familiarity and trust with potential clients. You know if you see a check or swoosh without the word “Nike” that you’re still looking at a Nike brand. When you see a signature plaid color, you think of Burberry. Branding takes time in order to build that instance recognition. But it’s a worthwhile pursuit so clients and potential customers come to recognize you and your work.

3. Get Professional Photos Taken

Invest in professional freelance branding photos that reflect the professional freelancer you are. Choose props relevant to your business to convey your expertise and personality effectively. As a writer, I took photos with my laptop, phone, and notebook, and showed myself in professional-looking elements. If I were working on a freelancer personal brand that involved fashion or hair styling, I’d show those props in the photo.

It’s okay to show slightly different photos, in my opinion. I have different professional photos on my website and LinkedIn profile from Facebook and Twitter but the photos were all taken the same day and you can tell it’s the same person. That’s the crucial element.

4. Develop an Engagement Strategy

Regular interaction with your audience can significantly enhance your brand presence. Share valuable content, join discussions, and contribute to forums that align with your expertise.

Share, repost, and comment to help others grow their platforms and increase your freelance brand profile.

The more visible you are, the more you’re perceived as an authority in your field. A well-established personal brand can attract followers, readers, and fans who are interested in your work, services, and expertise. This audience can be valuable for selling digital products, online courses, and other services.

5. Share Testimonials and Social Proof

Showcase your success by sharing client testimonials and case studies. These validate your expertise and demonstrate your impact in tangible terms, which can be highly persuasive to prospective clients seeking proof of your capabilities. Ask for referrals and recommendations on LinkedIn. Reach out to current clients and request feedback as well as a testimonial you can share on your site.

6. Work on Continuous Learning and Being Nimble

The digital landscape is fluid and changing each day. Stay ahead by upgrading your skills and adapting to new trends. Demonstrating your commitment to growth and learning can be a powerful aspect of your personal brand that instills confidence in potential clients.

As a freelancer, your brand is your identity. If you don’t cultivate a freelancer brand to share no one else will. Create the image you want to share with the world so you’re in control of what clients see when they research you.

Have you ever considered a career as a freelancer? 

If you’re anything like me, writing for clients from around the world while wearing your favorite yoga pants for 10 hours a week sounds like a dream.  Freelancing has been an interesting and exciting ride, but it’s not without its freelance challenges.

When I started my freelancing journey, I thought I’d be in a position to quit my 9 to 5 and retire as a self-made millionaire within six months to a year. 

It’s been six years and I’m not quite a millionaire yet, but deciding to become a freelance writer is one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve learned to navigate the pros and cons of freelancing in order to build a successful freelance business.

Read this guide to learn about potential freelancer problems you might face in this industry and how you can avoid common freelancer struggles. 

4 Biggest Freelance Challenges You Might Encounter

Some of the biggest freelancing problems you’ll face are not having enough clients and experiencing freelance money challenges. Or, you might have too many clients and not enough time to manage them. That’s why the phrase “feast or famine” is often thrown around freelance communities.

As a freelancer, you’ll constantly juggle life between a rock and hard place, that is until you learn the number one golden rule to keep your pipeline and bank account flowing constantly.

  1. Finding freelance clients.

As a freelancer, finding clients will be one of your biggest freelancer struggles. For many freelancers, talking to potential clients about your services can send them into total panic. 

You don’t want to come off as a salesperson or aggressively annoying to clients. Approaching clients in this way only turns them off and gives them a reason to ignore your services. 

The best way to find freelance clients is by approaching clients with a common interest or goal. Having a common interest or goal is a good icebreaker to let your guard down and make a genuine connection. By bonding over a common outcome, you will feel more confident in sharing more about what you do and how you help your clients. This can help you minimize on of the biggest freelance challenges of finding clients.

Another good way to find clients is by volunteering your services within your network. If you have a network of college friends or colleagues, get the word out about your services. Offer to write a sample website, run a email marketing campaign, or rewrite a resume for a friend on a sliding scale. 

Your friends/family can be your first clients and testimonials. The more people know what you do and how amazing you are the more likely they are to refer your services and offer to pay you for your skills.

  1.  Understanding how to come up with freelance rates.

When it comes to charging by the hour or per project, plenty of freelancers struggle with determining how much to charge clients. It’s a common freelance challenge among many of us! Charging too much may make you feel as though clients can’t afford your rates. If you throw out a low quote for a freelance project, clients will think you are cheap and going to turn in low-quality work.

What’s the best solution to this freelance challenge?

The best way to understand your rates is by evaluating the time, skills, deadline, topic, and research required to complete the project. As a freelancer, your time and skills are valuable assets.

In my experience, if you charge too low for a project that takes up most of your time, you will be anxious to get it done. However, if you select a project that amplifies your skills and compensates you for your time, you will pleased with your work and commitment.

Charging by the hour or per project is at your own discretion as you grow as a freelancer. To help you determine the best options for you, here are five key questions to ask yourself before accepting a project:

  1. Does this project cover my monthly expenses?
  2. What is my bandwidth to take on this project?
  3. Will this project require more time and energy than I have available?
  4. Is this a project that fits with my skillset?
  5. Does this project provide me with creative freedom and control?

3.  Handling bad freelance clients.

Not every client will be your best freelance client. In fact, a common “con of freelancing” is dealing with “red flag clients.” There will be some clients who are a dream to work with from the initial phone consultation, project conception, invoicing, and finalizing the project details. 

Other clients will simply drive you up a wall over every detail of the project, have bad communication skills, last-minute changes, and late payments. (Been there!)

While working with “red-flag freelance clients” is a common freelancer struggle, the good news is that you don’t have to work with them again. As a freelancer, you have the authority to choose who you will or will not work with at your discretion. Be selective and work with people you like who respect you.

The best thing about being a freelancer is being in control of your income and knowing that  one rejection leads to the next client’s yes. Work with clients and projects that not only fit your skills and creative genius, but also respect your time and commitment to getting the job done right. That way, you can eliminate stressful freelancer problems or nip them in the bud before they steamroll your life.

4. Overcoming imposter syndrome 

As you begin to grow in your career, you will face many freelance obstacles—imposter syndrome is one of them. Feeling like an imposter is not that uncommon in the freelance community.

We often feel like imposters because we have high expectations for ourselves. We compare ourselves to our peers and begin to feel like we aren’t doing enough. While your feelings may present as valid in the moment. It’s important to understand that every freelancer’s journey is uniquely different, even yours. The important thing to remember is that you are your own person and your freelance journey is yours to create. 

Be mindful of negative thoughts and emotions. Learn to reward your small accomplishments frequently. Before you know it your imposter syndrome will be in your rearview mirror.

Don’t Let Freelance Challenges Sway You

Becoming a freelancer is a great career path for people of all ages and backgrounds. You can become a freelancer if you’re a retired teacher, college student, stay-at-home mom, or an entrepreneur looking to explore new opportunities. 

Freelancing is a great opportunity to supplement your income or start a new career. While there may be some freelance challenges along the way, plenty of freelancers have found great success by connecting with peers and learning from their mistakes.

Whether you become a freelancer to get your feet wet or explore a new career option, freelancing can be a great opportunity to learn something new and earn money as a side hustle.

Remember, your path is unique, and celebrating small victories can help silence the doubts. By tackling these challenges head-on, you can thrive in the world of freelancing and pave the way for a fulfilling career on your terms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Freelancer Problems

What are some pros and cons of freelancing?

Here are some of the pros and cons of freelance:


  • Unlimited income opportunities
  • Variety of clients
  • Networking opportunities
  • Business ownership
  • Freelancer Community
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Remote work


  • Competitive Market
  • Quarterly taxes
  • Steady clients
  • Late payments

How To Find Your First Freelance Client?

The best way to land your first freelance client is by working for a reduced price. You could also create samples for your website that show the type of work you can produce. When you’re first starting out without a strong reputation, landing your first client can a freelance challenge. 

By offering your freelance writing service at a more “ affordable” rate it could lead to a long-term client. One long-term client and a few referrals from them could turn into more revenue for you. Consider the bigger and long-term goals when you’re landing your first freelance client.

Is Freelance Writing a Good Career For You?

Freelancing is a great way to learn a lot about yourself and work independently. Freelancing provides the opportunity for you to learn about different industries, cultures, and markets from around the world. The best part is that you get to offer your services and freelance skills from the comfort of your own home—or on the road.

There is a learning curve with freelancing. That’s why it’s wise to make sure you have a steady income to support your livelihood until you have a consistent stream of clients. Don’t let the threat of freelancer problems sway you. Freelancing is worth trying to see if it’s a good fit for you.

You know you have to promote your business and your freelance services, but is it part of your daily, weekly, or monthly checklist? If you don’t have a monthly freelance marketing checklist, now’s the time to get one. Without having a visual of the social media for writers posts you should be writing, blog posts you need to schedule, potential freelance writing jobs for beginners to apply to, and the LinkedIn tips for freelancers you aren’t doing, chances are that you’re making some serious freelance marketing mistakes even smart freelancers make.

Here, 12 freelance marketing mistakes to sidestep so you can reap the benefits of solid freelance marketing efforts that always “keep your pipeline full.”

12 Freelance Marketing Mistakes That Get in the Way of Finding Great Freelance Clients and Work.

Avoid these freelance marketing challenges and set yourself up for high-paying freelance clients, anchor clients, and a six-figure freelancer career.

1. You’re a Job Board Junkie

Guilty as charged! Here’s a secret: I do rely on job boards to find freelance work. And these were the primary way I secured freelance writing jobs when I was first starting out. But, they are only part of the equation. Ditch the safety net and reach out to clients directly through emails and a social strategy.

I’ll show you how I landed my biggest client by simply sending a cold email that hit the right note.

2. You’re Ghosting Past Clients

We’ve all forgotten to follow up. When you’re trying to find more freelance work, go back to previous clients and ask if they need help or if their coworkers do. Did that contact move on? Find them in their new role and remind them of your freelance services.

3. You’ve Fallen Into a Pitching Black Hole

Pitching is great, but without strategy, it’s like shouting into the void.

Understand each client deeply.

Tailor your freelance article pitches to meet the specific needs of their customers and watch your response rate soar.

Write freelance article pitches that will sell.


4. You’ve Forgotten: Who’s Your Ideal Client Anyway?

Not sure? Neither was I until I sat down and mapped out exactly who benefits most from my services. This ‘lightbulb’ moment transformed my marketing overnight. It helps me stay focused when I’m wondering which clients to go after. I even wrote them down on a piece of paper that’s taped behind my monitor.

5. You Don’t Measure Your Marketing Efforts

So you can’t improve them! Once I started tracking freelance article pitches and LinkedIn cold outreach messages, I was able to see that I was having more success than I initially thought. Tracking pitches and what happened will show you where you can make tweaks. And if one client doesn’t like the pitch, approach their competition.

6. You’re a Social Media One-Trick Pony

Are you a one-platform wonder? It’s time to explore. Different platforms attract different audiences. Find where your potential clients hang out and start engaging. I found a whole new client base on LinkedIn after being more active on Twitter/X for years. (Even grew to nearly ~11,000 followers! Follow me there.)

That being said, I think it’s more important to focus on two social platforms and consistently posting over hitting all of them and only posting 1x/a month.

7. You’re Forgetting to Promote Yourself

Too busy delivering work to market yourself? That’s a trap. Continuous marketing efforts keep your pipeline full. Dedicate time each week to nurture future opportunities. I set aside about 25 to 30 percent of my week for this, no matter what. (This is covered extensively in last week’s newsletter.) Here’s How to Find Clients on LinkedIn.

8. You Don’t Harness the Power of Local Networking

Online is great, but local networking has magic of its own. Attend events, join local business groups, and connect face-to-face. You might be surprised at the variety of personal connections you make and the ideas you get out of in-person networking. (I’m up to two in-person events so far this year!)

9. You Haven’t Asked for Testimonials

Testimonials are like freelance currency. Heck, customer reviews are every brand’s bread and butter these days. I always thought bragging was a bit gauche until a client told me my testimonial page sealed the deal. I don’t shy away from showcasing them anymore and you shouldn’t either. Ask favorite clients if they’d write a review or referral.

10. You Refuse to Adapt

The market evolves, and so should your marketing strategies. What worked last year might not cut it today. Stay fresh, stay curious, and stay adaptable. This doesn’t mean you need to use or incorporate AI into your freelance business but you do need to know about the latest trends in marketing and media to stay relevant to your clients. Make sure you’re continuously working on these highest-paying freelance skills.

11. You Aren’t Showing Off a Variety of Skills

Start a blog or a newsletter to show your ideal client the different ways you can write.

Don’t have copywriting samples but want to get into that type of freelance writing? Create them and post them on your freelance writer portfolio.

Want to break into a new niche but don’t have clients in that field yet? Write articles or LinkedIn posts on the subject to build an audience.

12. You Don’t Do Anything.

Ever feel SO overwhelmed that there’s too much to do when it comes to freelance marketing for your brand that you do well, nothing? Samesies. That’s why having a visual of what you should be doing can help take some of the steam out of that fear and those feelings of overwhelm. I don’t know about you but I tend to feel better when I cross something off of my to-do list.

If you need more help working on freelance marketing, check out this course that will show you how to consistently earn $100 an hour freelancing.

Do you think you’re missing out by not knowing the answer to ‘what is content marketing writing?’ This article will give you helpful insight into this form of writing so you don’t have to smile and silently nod. Sometimes people use freelance content marketing writing and journalism writing interchangeably. This can be misleading. 

Each discipline requires a specific skill set. Yet, each field brings a different flair for writing to specific audiences—and both might require interview and researching skills—but content marketing writing is about creating awareness for a product or brand.

It’s biased, even if a brand or product isn’t mentioned in the article. Journalism involves unbiased reporting and research, any conflicts-of-interest should be eliminated or at the very least, disclosed. Sometimes journalism is referred to as content writing but what makes it journalism is the reporting aspect.

You might be wondering if you’ve ever read a content marketing writing example before but you probably have—it’s everywhere. I’ll give you an example. 

Have you ever typed in a search into Google, then clicked on an article and read an informative article and been surprised to look up and realize it was under a product’s website? That’s an example of content marketing writing. It may have mentioned the product or service or it may not have. It likely included some kind of “call to action” (CTA) to do something, like sign up for a newsletter, join a mailing list, or learn more about the brand. 

Your work as a freelance content marketing writer can greatly impact brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. It makes a rewarding and irresistible profession. 

What is Content Marketing Writing to a Freelancer?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It involves compelling, purpose-built content that engages the target audience and ultimately leads to a sale. This type of writing relies on information that provides captivating storytelling that draws in readers and turns them into brand loyalists.

Freelance content marketing writers in this field can reach out to marketing managers, VP of marketing, and content managers to share their backgrounds and expertise to let them know why they’d be an asset to the brand. There’s plenty of work to be found in small businesses, large brands, and large associations.

(Read samples of introductory emails to send to content marketing managers.)

Could the answer to “what is content marketing writing” be that it’s your next freelance writing skill to add to your LinkedIn profile? Freelance content marketing writing is a satisfying and lucrative freelance skill to have. You’ll drive customer satisfaction and conversion rates through the following types of content marketing writing:

  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • White papers
  • eBooks/Digital downloads

A content marketing writer aims to capture the brand’s audience, resulting in a trusted customer. 

Freelance content marketing writers use their exceptional writing skills, marketing knowledge, and add data and research findings to create content that gets ranked well on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and turns audiences into repeat visitors.

Content marketing writing also helps build brand awareness. This tactic generates organic leads and happy clients, making this one of the highest-paid freelance writing skills. Freelance content writers can work with several clients in different niches, like health, beauty, Software as a Service (SaaS), pets, healthcare, and personal finance.

You might even hear of this type of content as B2B or B2C writing. B2B is business to business (think of a software company selling their product to Microsoft). B2C is business to consumer. This could be a blog on a beauty brand, a pet product, or a service provider’s page.

It’s about being a well-versed professional. You must understand the customer’s pain points and search engine optimization, known as SEO. SEO involves addressing relevant topics that others have looked up on the internet. 

For example, when searching “ how to become a freelance marketing writer” or “how to get started as a marketing freelancer?” These related searches in your content can be great for keywords or headlines. Why? It’s because you are answering questions people want answers to. Content marketing writers are critical. They provide key information while being relatable and business-oriented. Knowing how to write good articles as a freelancer with primary keywords and secondary keywords is essential for success in search engine rankings and from your client’s standpoint. 

Content Marketing Writing vs Magazine Writing

Content marketing writing has a different voice, framework, and audience. It is not like magazine writing. Magazine writing tends to be shorter than content marketing writing, this could also depend on the publication. 

The goal of magazine writing or editorial writing for magazines is to inform and entertain magazine subscribers of digital audiences on various topics related to the magazine. This type of writing isn’t trying to sell anything–other than maybe an editorial magazine subscription. Magazine writing is more likely to focus on a publication’s audiences (although there’s a lot of affiliate marketing and sponsored content on and in magazines these days). Magazine-style writing often includes feature stories, reported articles, interviews, or personal essays. 

Content marketing aims to engage and convert target audiences for brand awareness. Content marketing writing concentrates on customer action, generating leads, or boosting sales. An example is “7 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Vegan Lip Products,” and you’ll find this blog on a vegan beauty company’s website, possibly with a link to sign up for a newsletter and get a promo code. Magazine writing would likely include a non-biased roundup of the “7 Best Vegan Lip Products.” 

How Much Does Freelance Content Marketing Writing Pay?

Be honest. When you explored, “what is content marketing writing,” you certainly wanted to know if being a freelance content marketing writer pays well.

When you’re a freelance content marketing writer, pay is commonly per project or per article. If you and the client come up with an agreement about a specific number of pieces (articles) you’ll produce per month as an ongoing relationship, it’s known as a retainer agreement. 

As of 2024, many content marketing writing assignments tend to pay better than online magazine assignments of the same word count. That might be because brands have more money and stand to potentially earn more with each piece of content. 

In general, content marketing writing likely pays at least $0.50/word and up, often closer to $1/word/

Freelance content writers can charge based on the complexity of the scope of the project. Magazine writing can also receive payment for the number of words, interviews, research involved in the piece, and per project. The magazine determines writers’ rates based on the magazine’s budget and the writer’s level of experience.

How Do Editorial Writing and Freelance Content Marketing Writing Differ?

Editorial writing is also known as opinion writing. The author expresses their opinion or viewpoint on a particular topic. This type of writing is generally published in newspapers or magazines. Freelance content marketing writing builds readership for a brand and drives traffic. 

Editorial writing emphasizes the editorial board or author topics the team represents. You can find the editorial team on the publication’s website. They’re a group of professionals with diverse skills in fact-checking, writing, and editing. The team ensures that the information presented is accurate, engaging, and error-free. That being said, a brand’s CEO can write an op-ed and submit it for possible publication. It will likely be skewed to support their brand’s initiatives but it should also be well-reported.

Editorial writing style is more persuasive. It focuses on using logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience and with a call to action (CTA). This will encourage the reader to take part in their offer. An example of a call to action is “I want this”, or “Download here” or “Learn more.” 

Writers sprinkle these phrases throughout their content marketing blogs to entice the reader to view what they’re selling. Editorial writing may not include a call to action. Yet, it provides a format centered on current events, cultural trends, or social issues.

Content marketing writing often focuses on brand stories and case studies.

Which Style of Writing Suits You: Content Marketing, Magazine Journalism, or Editorial Writing?

Freelance content marketing writing is versatile and merges individuality and strategic marketing goals. It is also a high-paying freelance niche and allows growth and opportunity. Content marketing writing builds trust and authority. It uses well-crafted words to inspire the audience. If you enjoy writing blogs to drive organic traffic, freelance content marketing writing is for you. But let’s recap on the difference between magazine journalism writing and editorial writing. 

Magazine journalism writing tends to be longer than content marketing writing and its goal is to inform and entertain audiences online and print to encourage repeat visits. 

Typically, magazine writers earn payment based on the number of words, while freelance content marketing writers earn payment based on the project. Editorial writing is persuasive and it uses logic to support the opinions. Content marketing styles use storytelling to optimize the readers’ experience. 

Now that we’ve satisfied your top questions on “what is content marketing writing?” sign up for a newsletter to get more freelance skills in your inbox.

Ah, retirement. You’ve saved and prepared and dreamed of that time when you can throw away your alarm clock and do whatever you want to do. But at some point, you may find you need a little structure, purpose, or a prompt to keep your brain working. Or maybe your retirement savings aren’t quite enough to fund that trip of a lifetime.  You’ve heard great things about the gig economy and are wondering, “Is freelancing a good hobby for retirees?”

You’d like a bit of income but one that comes with flexibility, control, and the excitement that comes with a new adventure. Freelancing may be just what you’re looking for.

3 Reasons Why Freelancing in Retirement Can Be Beneficial

There’s nothing wrong with being an older freelancer who’s new to freelancing. You have experience and skills that will translate into running a successful freelance business after retirement. 

You’re in Control

I found a freelance career helpful when raising children, mostly because it also allowed me to be a full-time mom. That flexibility is also key when freelancing as a senior. You don’t want to be bored, but you crave more time to spend with family and friends, travel, work on a hobby, entertain, volunteer, or organize those closets you said you’d get to someday.

Whether you want a full-on second career or a fulfilling side hustle (even if your main hustle is an afternoon nap and avoiding those closets), a freelance side hustle for retirees might be the way to go. Freelancing means doing as much or as little as you want to—and you can even change it up as your own needs and wishes evolve.

You Feel Purpose

As an older freelancer, you may have valuable experience that allows you to work in your field of expertise as a consultant, or maybe this means you finally have the time and energy to branch out in a new direction. If you still find meaning in the work you did before, don’t feel like you have to abandon it. Continue on in a way that puts you in charge.

Another way to find purpose in freelancing is to join organizations that need volunteers. You can help to guide people starting their careers, be part of an advisory board, or get involved in pushing for policy changes—either at an institution or at the government level. These opportunities vary depending on the field you’re in.

You Get to Do Passion Projects as a Freelance Retiree

When I told my financial advisor I wanted to “retire” from my usual technical writing and editing and move my practice to more creative endeavors, she asked me when I wanted to retire from doing that. I said I didn’t think I’d ever retire. Or I hoped I wouldn’t. Freelancing in retirement gives you the flexibility to work when you want to, for whom you want to, and to switch gears if you want to.

Whether that’s a shift within a field you already work in or moving all your energy to something brand new, let yourself follow that dream you might have considered out of reach when you were working full time.

What are Types of Freelance Jobs for Retirees?

If you aren’t interested in consulting within your previous field, there are still ways to leverage that experience and apply new energy to launch an interesting second act.

Freelance writing

The biggest problem with a writing career when you’re young is that you often don’t have all that much to say. As we age, we find we have a lot to say about the world. Here’s your platform! There are many ways to find calls for articles in all kinds of fields, and you can start by simply doing an online search for “freelance writing jobs.” However, if you haven’t written before, it might be hard to break in without any samples of your work. 

The best way to start is by writing about the work you know best. Does your industry have a trade magazine or a professional organization? They often look for articles by experts in that field. If you have a good idea for an article, pitch it and let them know about your experience. 

After you have some solid pieces published, widen your range of pitches until you find the niche you really want to write in—or don’t narrow it at all and write widely. Remember not to stress about freelancing as a senior; you’re in control.

Freelance design

This broad field covers many types of work. Some of them require specific training, and if you don’t already have that, you may not want to pursue it (although if that appeals to you, go for it!). Put some thought into it if you’re the artistic type. This work could be anything from website design and development, marketing and advertising, book covers, or a myriad of other kinds of graphic illustrations.

You’ll need to develop a portfolio similar to the way a writer does, and turning to the field in which you have the most experience can help here as well. Remember, any work you do counts for your portfolio. 

While you’re building your business as an older freelancer who’s starting out, you may decide to take on work that doesn’t pay. That still counts—no one is going to ask how much you were paid for each piece. Gather it all together and proudly display it to potential clients.

Freelance editing

Do people ask you to fix their writing? Do you find errors in things you read all the time? Maybe working in an editing field is for you. There are all kinds of editors—from developmental editors who find plot holes in a story to proofreaders who pick up the little errors that everybody else missed. 

Several organizations connect editors with education, jobs, and other editors. These include the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) the National Association of Independent Writers & Editors (NAIWE), and ACES: The Society for Editing . It’s very satisfying to help others get their work ready for publication.

Freelance tutoring or freelance teaching

Do you love training and passing your experience on to the next generation? Tutoring and teaching can mean working with anybody from young children to adults. It’s a great way to combine a love of teaching while exploring “is freelancing a good hobby for retirees?”

 Online learning is an enormous field and an easy way to have a fulfilling teaching/tutoring experience without being restricted to one geographic place. You can do this type of work from anywhere you have an internet connection. I’ve done my online teaching from balconies overlooking the ocean in Mexico, on cruise ships, and at my sister’s place in Florida (before my first margarita).

Yes, I have to teach every business day, but it only takes an hour or so most of the time, and I easily organize the rest of my work, writing, and leisure activities around it. Life doesn’t get much better than that. That’s why, when asked,” Is freelancing a good hobby for retirees?” I declare, “Yes!”

What Should I Know about Managing Income Freelancing in Retirement?

No matter when you actually retire, the US Social Security Administration (SSA) considers 67 to be the age of full retirement, but you can start collecting Social Security as young as 62. So, if you take early retirement and choose to receive your benefits before age 67, you should be aware that there are limits to how much you can earn before the government starts reducing that benefit until you reach full retirement age. The SSA has a good explainer about that. After full retirement age, there is no limit applied to earned income.

The other aspect of managing income while freelancing in retirement is working as an independent contractor (IC). If you’ve only ever worked as a W-2 employee, IC work can be a bit daunting, but it’s not that difficult when freelancing as a senior. Not all types of freelancing require you to incorporate or otherwise set up your own business. I’ve worked for more than 20 years as a sole proprietor with no problems. But you will need to track income and expenses for tax reporting and probably pay quarterly taxes. 

Of course, if you have any questions about managing the financial aspects of this work or how it affects your other retirement income, it’s best to consult with an accountant or other financial advisor. 

Considering “Is Freelancing a Good Hobby for Retirees?” Remember to Be Retired

Freelancing in retirement should be exciting and—dare I say it?—fun. You may choose to put a lot of time and energy into this new phase in your life at first, but it should smooth out after a while. The whole point of being an older freelancer s to give yourself some enjoyable but productive time that still allows you to enjoy the benefits of having achieved what you have in your previous work life. 

Near my computer, where I can see it all the time, is this: “You can say yes to anything, but you can’t say yes to everything.” Only say yes to projects that make you happy. And stop if you want to. Then, you get to have a second retirement party!

In the last few years, LinkedIn has become one of the most pivotal networking sites for freelancers. Many freelancers are trying to explore it for how to find clients on LinkedIn, using it to research freelancing leads, or build a reputation as a professional freelance writer. If those are your goals, LinkedIn is the place to be for freelancers.

Gone are the days when LinkedIn is just a job-searching networking platform. Today, LinkedIn is one of the most reputable social media platforms for business professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, and creatives to exist in one place.

Being active on LinkedIn as a freelancer will not only help build your online reputation. It can also help your network refer you to opportunities in their circles or promote your services.  Keep reading to learn how  LinkedIn is an important tool for freelancers and how it can help and your first freelance writing job or your fiftieth. You’ll learn LinkedIn tips for freelancers that cover how to build your LinkedIn profile, grow your audience, and tips on what to post on your feed.

Here’s How to Find Clients on LinkedIn

Follow these steps to get more freelance clients on LinkedIn by using the popular social media platform more effectively.

Build Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is like your own billboard, you want people to stop and connect with you. How? The key to a successful LinkedIn profile is confidence.

  • Make your profile copy sing.

Your profile should boast about your key strengths, accomplishments, and answer the question of why someone should hire you. The goal of your profile is to stand out enough to inspire your ideal freelance client to message you.

You have to navigate the lines of boasting about your achievements while also letting potential high-paying freelance clients know how you can help them. (BTW, here’s what to say to a potential client when you send a connection request on LinkedIn.)

  • Write a scroll-stopping LinkedIn headline.

Looking to find freelance clients on LinkedIn? Optimize your headline add a little punch like, “Firecracker of Content Marketing” or “Branding Genie.. It catches the viewer’s attention while answering who and what you do. Your confidence should jump off the page and attract ideal clients. (Mine says “Atlanta-Badass Ghostwriter.” My potential freelance clients know what they’re going to get. Great copy with a side of sass.)

A good detail to add to your headline is your location, contact info, and a hashtag. You want to ensure that your headline comes up on the first page of LinkedIn search results—and at the search engine results. If you’re a copywriter, SEO expert, or write for a specific freelance niche, include that.

  • Show your best self.

Many freelancers neglect the importance of a good quality headshot. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on headshots when you’re trying to stand out as a freelancer on LinkedIn. You can use your camera phone. Ask a friend to help. Your headshot should be warm and inviting. You want people to be curious about you and have a desire to learn more about you.

Try selecting a headshot with a little personality and one that highlights your best features. (Save the car selfie or bathroom selfie for another social media platform.)

Grow Your Audience

Building connections is one of the most critical aspects of your LinkedIn profile. Many people prefer to connect with former colleagues or classmates but you shouldn’t stop there. As a freelancer, you’ll want to make new connections with lots of new people online—particularly ones who work at companies you might want to work for as a freelance consultant.

Your friends, colleagues, or former classmates may come in handy for endorsements of your skills or a referral. But, think bigger. A good tip is to grow your audience within your freelance niche market. For example, if you’re a real estate freelancer, you’ll want to connect with home designers, developers, contractors, and commercial real estate agencies.

Expanding your connections with those in your niche market is one key to success and finding freelance clients on LinkedIn. You’ll also find success by attending industry events, social groups, or leaving a comment on a post for a potential client. Remember, every connection is a potential new client in the future.

Engaging with your connections on LinkedIn is also pivotal to succeeding on the platform. People want to feel special and important. After you receive a connection request, send a voice note or a personalized video. This not only helps build a friendship, but it also helps boost your visibility online.

Liking, sharing, or commenting on a post with those in your network increases your chances of attracting a new freelance client on LinkedIn.

Try an experiment by leaving five comments or likes on posts per day for one week. You’ll see a significant boost in your connection request and DMs.

When Thinking about How to Find Clients on LinkedIn

Know that every freelancer struggles with what to post on LinkedIn occasionally. I prefer to do a combination of storytelling, business content, or freelance tips as a post. This helps my connections to learn more about me on a personal note.

At the same time, I am attracting ideal clients to want to work with me. It’s helpful to view your impressions and analytics to see which types of posts are resonating with your network.

Don’t be afraid to try new content strategies to see what works best. A good way to find your next post idea is to share your latest challenge as a freelancer or news of the latest project you just booked. It’s always great to post milestone birthdays, vacation photos, pets, or a random selfie of you in your workspace. (The LinkedIn algorithms love photos with posts these days!)

Posting consistently is a great way to boost your profile as a freelancer. Whether you post early morning, midday, or late in the evening, you’re feeding the algorithm. LinkedIn likes that a lot. That being said, there is such a thing as posting too little or too much.

I prefer to post at least twice a day during the weekdays. I take an occasional break on weekends or I focus on engagement as I explore getting freelance work on LinkedIn. (Another Best Freelance Tips freelancer Diana Kelly Levey says she finds higher-than-expected engagement on LinkedIn on Sunday nights. Who knew?)

You want to remain active on LinkedIn to attract clients and stay up to date on trends. An inactive account is the equivalent of a beautiful house with no tenants. Find a balance that works for you and show up as yourself online.

Write Articles on LinkedIn to Draw in Freelance Clients

One of the best aspects of LinkedIn is the writing articles feature. As a freelancer, clients will frequently request to see your portfolio. By writing articles within your niche, you can help clients see samples of your writing for free. That’s just one way writing articles can work to your advantage.

You can also create a specialized newsletter within your niche or a standalone article once you’ve toggled to Creator Mode on the platform. Either is a good way to promote your skills and knowledge as a freelance writer. The more you can get your writing samples in front of your ideal freelance client on LinkedIn, the better your chances of securing high-paying work.

When it comes to choosing what to write about on LinkedIn there are some great strategies you can implement.

  • You can run a poll on a controversial topic in your niche.
  • You can search the latest headlines or trends.
  • You can subscribe to a few newsletters in your market to stay abreast of current topics.

Finding what to write is all about staying engaged and locked into the market. You can also connect with industry leaders and take keynotes from a discussion to convert it into a LinkedIn article. When in doubt on how to choose a topic, ask your network.

Engage with the LinkedIn Community

Do you enjoy leaving comments on other freelancers’ posts? If not, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow your network and presence. It’s one of the best strategies for how to find clients on LinkedIn.

By leaving a comment on a post you are inviting other potential viewers to learn more about you and your services. Stop scrolling and start leaving an in-depth comment on a fellow LinkedIn user post.

One of the most effective strategies for leaving a comment is to first thank the host. You want to highlight and acknowledge them. Next, when leaving a comment you want to share a tidbit on your background and why you are supporting the post. Lastly, you want to add any relevant hashtags to the post. The hashtags can increase your visibility across LinkedIn and invite others to connect with you to chat more.

Leaving a comment on a post is a great way to meet potential clients and it gives you a conversation starter in their inbox. It’s one of the best tips to find clients on LinkedIn that many freelancers don’t think about.

There are many industry leaders on LinkedIn. It can feel a little intimidating to attract their attention. Before you pitch your services in the inbox or like every post, try this. Start by engaging with the industry leader online by leaving a comment, subscribing to the newsletter, and connecting with those who are within their network.

Sometimes you have to go through the middleman to get to the big fish. Ask for an introduction or book a consultation. It never hurts to take a risk and gain a big reward.

Search for Freelance Opportunities

LinkedIn wants you to land a client or job on the platform. Thus, the LinkedIn job search feature will become your best friend. Whether you’re searching for a “content writing” opportunity in the United States or “remote writing” opportunities, you can find them on LinkedIn.

A good rule of thumb is to learn more about the company that is hiring and follow them or their employees on LinkedIn. If you land the gig great, if not, you can learn more about the next opportunity with them.

Turn on your notifications to learn more about new company products or services. Some companies or organizations enjoy partnering with freelancers for projects. You can pitch someone within the marketing department about your freelance services, it’s a win-win for all.

Keep at It to Find Clients on LinkedIn

Lastly, LinkedIn is unlike most social media platforms on the market. You want to remain professional and relatable when connecting with potential clients. It’s important to not only promote your services. You want to combine a mix of education and entertainment. (Pet pics always seem to perform well.)

Consider your inbox as an invite-only opportunity to work with you or refer to your services. I always say that the more people in my network, the more referrals I’ll receive later. As a freelancer, always keep your eyes peeled for your next opportunity.

Make LinkedIn your playground as you explore how to find clients on LinkedIn. The more fun you have on the LinkedIn platform as a freelancer, the better chances you’ll have with landing clients.


  • How often should I update my LinkedIn profile?

Sharing your latest achievements with your network will help increase your visibility and trustworthiness. Whether it’s an award, new freelance client, or starting a new position, be consistent with sharing an update at least once a week.

  • What kind of content works best for engaging potential freelance clients?

The best content that works best for engaging with potential clients would be a good mixture between infographics, lead magnets, and videos. Potential clients want to know that you are a subject matter expert and can effectively communicate ideas in a way that is pleasing to the market.

  • How can I convert LinkedIn connections into actual clients?

One of the best ways to convert LinkedIn connections to actual clients is by having a lead magnet. By offering a free eBook or a paid subscription newsletter helps keep your business or services planted in your clients’ minds. Whether it’s email marketing tips, virtual assisting services, or content marketing ideas entice your ideal client to sign up to learn more on how to achieve their desired goal with you.